Photo: Michael Dedeke
Melanie López López started her dance education in classical ballet and Spanish Dance at an early age.
Being awarded a scholarship for artists in 2009, she moved to London to study at the world class London Contemprary Dance School where she completed a Master of Arts in Contemporary dance.
As a dancer, she is working since more than 13 years all over Europe with companies such as the National company of Ireland, Sadlers Wells Theater (England), Peter Schaufuss Ballet (Denmark), Proyecto Titoyaya and Cienfuegos Danza (Spain); and worked with choroeographers such as James Wilton, Gustavo Ramírez Sansano, Alexandra Pirici, Oded Ronen, Gerda König, Henrique Rodovalho, Ravid Abarbanel or Javier de Frutos, amongst others. Between the seasons ´13 - ´15 she danced full time at the Stadttheater Hagen and from ´15 - ´18 in the Tanztheater Münster (Germany)
Her own creations take as a central aspect the person and society, looking for a personal vocabulary, that draws from the abstrakt representation possilbilities of the human emotions. She presented her work at the Stadttheater Münster, on a tour in North Spain as part of the Festival La RED IV as well as in unconventional spaces like the Weserrenaissance Museum (Lemgo), Ludgerikirche (Coesfeld), St. Paulus Dom (Münster), in the Festival “Me, myself and I” (Madrid), Delphi Space (Freiburg) or the Ateneo of Cáceres (Spanien) where she got a mention of honour for her work in progress “Raices Suspendidas”.
Since August 2020, she is based in Münster and keeps curious and exploring further possibilities to continue developing artistically. In ´21, within the NEUSTART KULTUR funds, she received a #TakeCareRsidenz from the Fonds Darstellende Künste to make a research on "Mindfullness of emotions" at the Theaterlabor Bielefeld. She initiated with the actress Freya-Maria Müller the Kollektivergissmeinnicht, developing two full evening interdisciplinary productions that have been presented in Münster and Leipzig. Futhermore, in September ´22 thanks to the funding from the NRW LFDK, in co-creation with the dancer and choreographer Ricardo Campos Freire, they had an artistic Residency at the Stroetmanns Fabrik (Emsdetten) for the research of "Something in between". Her interest and engagement to connect and actively contribute to the local freelance dance scene, made her start and develop, thanks to the DIS-Tanz- Solo funding from the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland in ´21 and ´22, the Projekt TanzXchange-freie Tanzszene Münster, which organises professional Trainings, Performances in unconventional spaces and the first NetzwerkXchange.